1 Mukherjee started to face to cancer in 2003. He began advanced training in cancer medicine at the Cancer Institute in Boston in the summer of 2003. He was shocked to discover that chemotherapy and the tongue-twisting names of the drugs destroy patient’s precious lives or beautiful life-styles instead of curing them. Cancer is not modern diseases. Cancer has influenced humans throughout recorded history. Scientists found the evidence of cancer among fossilized bone tumors, the bone cancer, and bony skull in ancient Egypt. In that time, there was no treatment. However, Doctors started to understand cancer in the first 19th century. Cancer is a disease that starts when a single cell begin to grow out of control. Cancer begins with a small accident, or a mutation in one cell. However, we don’t understand how we could build, adapt and repair ourselves. If we could figure out all these mystery, we could find a way to repair cancer cells.
2 In his book, Mukherjee introduced two women: first, Carla Reed who is a young mother panicked for the sudden onset of leukaemia and second, Sidney Farber who first administered cytogenic drugs to leukaemia patients in the 1940s at Children’s Hospital Boston. The author describes cancer therapeutics, molecular biochemistry and genetics hoping to find out a cure to save Carla. Carla Reed is just 30 years old when she became ill. It could be bloodcurdling, desperate, and fear experience looking at lovely her three years old daughter.
Acute lymphocytic leukemia is a cancer of the lymphocytes. “Acute” means that the disease begins and gets worse quickly, so Carla needs immediate treatment. Carla found a few bruises on her back, and they vanished leaving large map-shaped marks on her back. It could be a dreadful event for any young women. Soon, she can’t walk up stairs. Then she can’t stand up. She crawled down the hallways of her house. When I had a back pain, I had to crawl down to the bathroom and it took one hour to get there. I could not tell you how I was miserable.
Carla and her husband saw a general physician, but nobody found her cancer. Cancer is a difficult to diagnosis, especially for young people. Can we blame doctors who can’t find cancer?
One of my friends missed urinary cancer of his patients 10 years ago. He still blames himself for his miss. To cure cancer is battle among scientists, doctors, pathologists, lab workers, other medical workers and patients. One word “curable” encourages doctors and patients. How a word is important for people’s lives. I can feel the author’s passion to find out best treatments for cancer to save young people’s lives and their families.
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